Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The editing and proofing tolls available in MS Word

Following are the some common editing tools available in Ms Word

Spelling Check
This tool underlines words having spelling errors in red. Just Right click the red underlined word & Select proper corrective word
OR Click anywhere in the red, underlined word,

Grammar Check
Word underlines grammar errors in green. To correct it Right click the green, underlined error and Select correction
OR Click anywhere in the green ð underlined error ð Click Tools ð Spelling and Grammar ð Select corrective word, grammar and style.

Highlighter is the one of the editing tool which includes tools to select font type, size, color, alignment, etc.
We can change the color of the highlighted word by clicking the down arrow to the right of the Highlighter icon and selecting a new color.

Tracking Changes
If you are an editor, you now can add, delete, change words, etc. The changes will be marked in red. If you are a writer, you can see the changes made by the editor, and accept or reject those changes by clicking the appropriate icon. Click the arrows to move to the next or previous change, etc.

Inserting Comments
Comments tool help to insert the words, phrase, or section in a document where you want to add a comment


The Microsoft Proofing Tools for Ms Word are a collection of editing technologies that enable users to proof Office documents in more than 50 different languages.
The spelling checker identifies possible misspellings in a text file by comparing the contents of the file with a database of accepted spellings, and is one of the most frequently used features of Microsoft Word. But spellers can perform more sophisticated tasks than simply comparing terms from a database.

Grammar and Style Checker
The grammar checker corrects sentences using a system of rules that defines the grammatical structure of a language. Microsoft Word integrates this tool and runs it in the background, making corrections automatically.

The basic function of a thesaurus is to look up synonyms for a particular word. But the thesauri in Proofing Tools perform more sophisticated tasks than simply retrieving direct synonyms for a given term from a database. Special algorithms in thesauri extract inflectional information (i.e. variations of a word) from a stem word (i.e. base word) to
provide a series of synonyms with the same inflection. For example, looking up the word running would yield the possible synonym jogging.

AutoCorrect automatically detects and corrects typos, misspelled words, grammatical errors, and incorrect capitalization. For example, if you type teh plus a space, then AutoCorrect replaces what you have typed with "the." You can also use AutoCorrect to quickly insert text, graphics, or symbols. For example, type (c) to insert "©", or type ac to insert "Acme Corporation."

Hyphenation helps eliminate gaps or in justified text, and helps maintain even line lengths in narrow columns. The hyphenation tool allows a user to connect (as two words) or divide (as a word at the end of a line of print) two or more terms with a hyphen. Languages vary in their flexibility on hyphenation rules.

AutoSummarize identifies the key points in a document for you to share with others or quickly scan. The tool determines key points by analyzing a document and assigning a score to each sentence. Sentences that contain words used frequently in the document are given a higher score. You can then choose a percentage of the highest-scoring sentences to display in the summary.

Input Method EditorsAn Input Method Editor (IME) works with the operating system to allow you to enter Asian text in Windows and enabled applications - including Office 2003 - by converting your keystrokes into Asian characters.